Monday, October 24, 2011

Advice from a burglar

Dear Lover of Liberty,
Imagine that a nearby neighborhood has experienced a recent devastating rash of burglaries, where the victims have been completely cleaned out.
Now, picture one day getting a letter from the burglar, who just wanted to give you a list of "recommendations" to improve home security in your own neighborhood.
Some of the steps include:                    

-   leaving all of your windows and doors unlocked;
-   turning off all the lights whenever you're not going to be home;
-   putting all of your most valuable possessions in one location.
The sad truth is, the seemingly improbable scenario you're imagining right now isn't far off from the reality taking place this week in Washington, D.C.
And, to make things worse, the ones getting the letter will take the proposals seriously.
According to a Politico article, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is planning to send Congress a list of "legislative recommendations" this week on what they can do to help "fix" the housing crisis.
You read that right.
The same Fed that has robbed America of its prosperity over the years is going to tell us how we can have a more secure economy and clean up the mess they made.
It's not enough that since the Fed's creation in 1913, what someone was able to buy with $1.00 that year would now cost them $22.81.
It's not enough that taxpayers have had to foot the bill so they can bail out Wall Street, international elites, and their other allies.
It's not enough that they put you and me on the hook for over $16 trillion - more than the national debt - at the height of the financial crisis.
They just can't stop interfering with our lives.
But there’s a way we can fight back - by countering Ben Bernanke's "recommendations" with one of our own.
Call Congress at (202)224-3121 and urge your representative and senators to support and work for roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 459/S. 202).
It's time to hold Bernanke and his Fed cronies responsible for their actions.
After helping crash our economy, and then digging our nation even deeper into trouble, they really seem convinced we should still take their "advice" seriously.
As Congress hears from Ben Bernanke, make sure your representative and senators also hear from you - with a real solution to help return our country to prosperity.
In Liberty,
Matt Hawes
Vice President
P.S. Ben Bernanke just can't help himself, and he really seems convinced we should listen to his "solutions" to clean up a mess the Fed helped create.
It's time to stop the Federal Reserve from robbing our nation of its prosperity in almost complete secrecy. 
Please, contact Congress today at (202) 224-3121and urge your representative and senators to support and work for roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 459/S. 202). 
And, if you're able, I hope you'll chip in $10 to Campaign for Liberty so we can continue to keep the pressure on Congress in support of real solutions to this economic crisis.
Source: E-letter from C4L

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